💢 #death_metal_discography Decrepitaph - Death Metal band from Dallas, Texas (early); San Diego, California (later), USA 🇺🇲 Years Active: 2005-? Unknown The band originally started as a solo project of Elektrokutioner. After moving from Massachusetts to Texas in 2007 he found a complete lineup and decided to just be the drummer, although he does continue to write some of the band's music. LAST KNOWN: Elektrokutioner - Everything (2005-2007), Drums (2007-?), Bass (2009-?) See also: Conjureth, Encoffination, Messial, Sarcosium, Tumulation, ex-Christ Hunt, ex-Foreboding, ex-Ghoulgotha, ex-Gloomed, ex-Howling, ex-Loathsome, ex-Scaremaker, ex-Shrouded, ex-Skulleton, ex-Beyond Hell, ex-Black Pentagram Cult, ex-Ekthros, ex-Festered, ex-Skincrawler, Bastard Cross, Beware!, Procreant, Reeking Filth, Scum Bitch, ex-Cauldron Burial, ex-Father Befouled, ex-Tombstones, ex-Wooden Stake, ex-Eternal Suffering, ex-Maggot Face, ex-Stone Evil Sinworm - Vocals (lead), Guitars (2007-?), Bass (2009-?) See also: Amoxet, Cunt Stuffed with Medical Waste, Roasted, Sinworm, Son ov Dawn, Toasted, Xaadolf, Ysbaddaden, ex-Fallen Hallow, ex-Lay Waste, ex-Loathsome, Exasperated, ex-Goremonger, ex-Oblivion Worship, ex-Slit Trench, ex-Funeral Fuck Toy, ex-Oily Anal Discharge PAST: Joey Daterape - Bass, Vocals (backing) (2007-2009) See also: Burnt to a Crisp, Esophagus Rot, Goremonger, Pre-Teen Pussy Pounder, The Car from Christine, Vile Disturbance, ex-Aborted Deity, ex-Chainsaw Homicide, Slaughterfarm Gangbang, ex-Bile Ganja Inhale PAST (Live): Hellvomit - Bass See also: Martyrvore, Nazarene Torment

Теги других блогов: USA Texas Death Metal California Decrepitaph